Index for surnames beginning with g (Pedigree Pages)
[Greenshield, Kevin Michael ] - [Grimes, Roger Dale ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE) [Gabler, Anna ] - [Gaudet, Brian Christopher ]
[Gaudet, Christopher Julian ] - [Gebhardt, Amalie Magdalena ]
[Gebhardt, Bertha Katharina ] - [Gideon, Matthew Guenther ]
[Gideon, Michelle Elise ] - [Glenn, Eliza ]
[Glenn, James ] - [Gohlke, Lloyd Leslie ]
[Gohlke, Margaret Anne ] - [Graham, Gladys ]
[Graham, J. D. ] - [Greebon, Nellie ]
[Green, Marvin Douglas ] - [Greenshield, Katrina ]
[Greenshield, Kevin Michael ] - [Grimes, Roger Dale ]
[Grimes, Sam Ellis ] - [Groos, John Clarkson ]
[Groos, Julia Talbot ] - [Guyette, Grace Marguerite ]
Greenshield, Kevin Michael {I0923} (b. Private)
Greenshield, Larry Gene {I1778} (b. Private)
Greenshield, Loren Barry {I1775} (b. Private)
Greenshield, William Earl {I1759} (b. Private)
Greenshield, William Hugh {I2369} (b. 1866 - d. UNKNOWN)
Greenwood, Adelheid {I2698} (b. 1891 - d. UNKNOWN)
Greenwood, Alex H. {I2545} (b. 1880 - d. UNKNOWN)
Greenwood, Alex H. {I2699} (b. Private)
Greenwood, Helen F. {I2700} (b. Private)
Greenwood, Ida C. {I2701} (b. Private)
Greenwood, Nathan Henderson {I0121} (b. 21 APR 1922 - d. 5 JUL 1943)
Gregg, Maichaele {I3390} (b. Private)
Gregory, Lloyd Gregory {I4258} (b. Private)
Gregory, Lloyd Jefferson {I2486} (d. UNKNOWN)
Gregory, Myrtle Marie {I1631} (b. Private)
Grewe, Lottie Josephine {I3497} (b. Private)
Griffin, Bessie Lea {I3342} (b. Private)
Grimes, Beverly Ann {I1262} (b. Private)
Grimes, David Michael {I1772} (b. Private)
Grimes, Evan Christopher {I1773} (b. Private)
Grimes, Fannie Louise {I2930} (d. 7 NOV 1888)
Grimes, Rachel Lauren {I0885} (b. Private)
Grimes, Richard {I2961} (d. 11 APR 1858)
Grimes, Roger Dale {I1770} (b. Private)
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