Index for surnames beginning with f (Family Pages)
[Falknor, Larry William ] - [Fietsam, Joseph ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE)[Falknor, Larry William ] - [Fietsam, Joseph ]
[Fietsam, Joseph J. ] - [Foote, Stephen ]
[Foster, Frances Elizabeth ] - [Freidrichs, Dorothea ]
[French, Bonnie Larue ] - [Fust, Rudolf Johann Ferdinand Peter ]
Falknor, Larry William {I3017} (b. Private)
Falknor, Stuart William {I3020} (b. Private)
Falknor, William Richard {I3018} (b. Private)
Fannin, Pamela {I2981} (b. Private)
Fanning, Doris E. {I3479} (b. Private)
Faraci, Miss {I3469} (b. Private)
Farrington, Helen {I2510} (b. Private)
Fasbender, Margarethe {I2207} (b. 30 JUL 1811 - d. 14 SEP 1896)
Fechtner, Bonnie {I2761} (b. Private)
Fechtner, John Robert {I2749} (d. UNKNOWN)
Fechtner, Johnnie Dee {I2748} (b. 16 NOV 1913 - d. 16 NOV 2004)
Fechtner, Noma Lee {I2751} (b. Private)
Fechtner, Robert Oliver {I2752} (b. Private)
Fehling, Miss {I3468} (b. Private)
Feistenberger, Felicia {I2334} (d. UNKNOWN)
Felder, Eddie {I3582} (b. Private)
Felder, Hilda {I0215} (b. 1913 - d. 21 APR 1967)
Fendley, C G {I0242} (d. UNKNOWN)
Ferguson, Mr. {I3464} (d. UNKNOWN)
Fietsam, Arnold {I4423} (d. UNKNOWN)
Fietsam, Arnold William {I4336} (b. Private)
Fietsam, Bruno {I4422} (d. UNKNOWN)
Fietsam, Esther Elma {I4428} (b. Private)
Fietsam, Harold {I4429} (b. Private)
Fietsam, Joseph {I4219} (d. UNKNOWN)
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