Index for surnames beginning with h (Descendancy Pages)
[Haby, Dan William ] - [Hall, Katherine Rosamond ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE)[Haby, Dan William ] - [Hall, Katherine Rosamond ]
[Hall, Mackenzie Eryn ] - [Hans, E. ]
[Hans, Emil ] - [Hart, Darryl Wayne ]
[Hartung, Catharine ] - [Haverlah, Anna Ruth ]
[Haverlah, Bennie Louis ] - [Heller, Leo Joseph ]
[Heller, Ruby Olga ] - [Hensel, Lena ]
[Hensley, Dorothy Jean ] - [Hicks, Samuel ]
[Hierl, Leonard Cedric Willrich ] - [Hill, Landon Chloe ]
[Hill, Lynn Howard ] - [Hodgson, William ]
[Holchak, Meta ] - [Hoy, James Doris ]
[Hoy, James Doris ] - [Huebner, Annie ]
[Huebner, Audrey Lynn ] - [Huebner, Glenn Baer ]
[Huebner, Haden ] - [Huebner, Marguerite ]
[Huebner, Marion Taylor ] - [Huebner, Sarah Catherine ]
[Huebner, Sarah Marie ] - [Hunger, Regina Victoria ]
[Hunnicutt, Nell ] - [Hutcherson, Patricia Ann ]
Haby, Dan William {I4049} (b. Private) , (Haby)
Haby, Joe Tom {I3648} (b. Private) , (Haby-Hutcherson)
Hacker, Minta Lou {I3381} (b. Private) , (Petty-Hacker)
Hairston, Bobbie Lee {I2396} (b. Private) , (Hairston)
Hairston, Erica Ann {I2818} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hairston, John Caleb {I2819} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hairston, Kathleen {I2813} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hairston, Rebecca Lee {I2810} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hairston, Robin Lynn {I2812} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hairston, Samuel Eric {I2811} (b. Private) , (Hairston-Lueders) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli) , (Robbins-Curtis)
Hale, Rebecca Gay {I1504} (b. Private) , (Hale)
Hale, Thomas Philip {I3109} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Hale)
Hale, Thomas Philip {I3108} (b. Private) , (Hale)
Hall, Dorothy Louise {I1237} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Richers-Denker) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Hall-Terry) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Hall, Edith Mae {I2627} (b. 11 JAN 1895 - d. 14 AUG 1965) , (Hall-Christian) , (Birdwell-Hall)
Hall, Frances Ann {I1891} (b. Private) , (O'Jeta-Hall)
Hall, Francis Malcolm {I3195} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Hall)
Hall, Jack {I3659} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Hall)
Hall, Jenilu {I3533} (b. Private) , (Yates-Allen) , (Baer-Baer) , (Levine-Levine)
Hall, Jenny Lynn Herbold {I1234} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Richers-Denker) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Hall-Terry) , (Hall-Herbold)
Hall, Katherine Rosamond {I3078} (b. Private) , (Campbell-Hall)
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