Index for surnames beginning with l (Descendancy Pages)
[Lackey, Linda Carol ] - [Laux, Peter ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE)[Lackey, Linda Carol ] - [Laux, Peter ]
[Lawhon, Alex Elise ] - [Lester, Bryan Wilkinson ]
[Lester, Darrell George ] - [Liska, Jane ]
[Loessin, Adele M. ] - [Lorenz, John N. ]
[Lorenz, Kate ] - [Lueders, Barbara Helen ]
[Lueders, Charles F. ] - [Lueders, Paulie Peter ]
[Lueders, Rayn Paul ] - [Lytle, Anne Elizabeth ]
Lackey, Linda Carol {I3804} (b. Private) , (Emblem-Lackey)
Lackey, Vernon {I3651} (b. Private) , (Lackey)
Laird, Lois Shirleen {I3332} (b. Private) , (Overton-Laird)
Lake, Clayton Alvin {I3057} (b. Private) , (Lake)
Lake, Clayton Edward {I1524} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Taylor-Newsome) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Hurst) , (Wilkinson-Hatcher) , (Gossett-McFarland) , (Lake-Wommack) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Lake, Clayton Edward {I1523} (b. Private) , (Lake-Wommack)
LaMarque, Marie Cecile {I3972} (b. Private) , (Zagst-LaMarque)
Land, Bessie Mae {I2515} (b. Private) , (Sliter-Land)
Landrum, Mary Dell {I4004} (b. Private) , (Cross-Landrum)
Langerhans, Marsha Ann {I3241} (b. Private) , (Langerhans-Utsey)
Langerhans, Roy Henry {I4029} (b. Private) , (Langerhans)
Lanham, Grace {I3634} (b. 1884 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Connor-Lanham)
Lankford, Minnie Lee {I4449} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Avery-Lankford)
Lauing, Myrna Fay {I3466} (b. Private) , (Asiatico-Lauing)
Laux, Anna {I2785} (b. 23 FEB 1842 - d. 8 MAR 1927) , (Laux-Pauli)
Laux, Catherine {I2791} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Laux-Pauli)
Laux, John {I2792} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Laux-Pauli)
Laux, Margaretha {I2790} (b. 4 OCT 1824 - d. 8 OCT 1912) , (Laux-Pauli)
Laux, Marie {I3746} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Reichle-Laux)
Laux, Peter {I2788} (b. 14 OCT 1801 - d. 18 APR 1864) , (Laux)
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