Index for surnames beginning with o (Descendancy Pages)
[Otto, Margie ] - [Overton, Robin ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE) [O'Banion, Gladys Irene ] - [O'Roark, Charles Harold ]
[O'Roark, Diane Elise ] - [Ohnheiser, Joseph ]
[Ohnheiser, Mary ] - [Otto, Alice ]
[Otto, Beatrice Regina ] - [Otto, Malcolm G. ]
[Otto, Margie ] - [Overton, Robin ]
Otto, Margie {I3457} (b. Private) , (Otto)
Otto, Mindy Dyan {I3796} (b. Private) , (Otto-Vogt) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Loessin-Ramthum) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Otto, Olga {I4269} (b. Private) , (Otto)
Otto, Olivia {I3449} (b. Private) , (Otto)
Otto, Regina Christine {I3807} (b. Private) , (Otto-Vogt) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Loessin-Ramthum) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Otto, Tara Nicole {I3821} (b. Private) , (Otto-Vogt) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Loessin-Ramthum) , (Johnson-Daspit) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Overstreet, Amanda Duncan {I1366} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Schlick-Meyer) , (Taylor-Newsome) , (Glenn-McBride) , (Butler) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Warnken-Zimmermann) , (Overstreet-Duncan) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Overstreet, James William {I2181} (b. Private) , (Overstreet)
Overstreet, Paul Duncan {I1355} (b. Private) , (Overstreet-Duncan)
Overstreet, Paul Duncan {I1377} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Schlick-Meyer) , (Taylor-Newsome) , (Glenn-McBride) , (Butler) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Warnken-Zimmermann) , (Overstreet-Duncan) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Overton, Robert Carter {I3331} (b. Private) , (Overton)
Overton, Robin {I1960} (b. Private) , (Overton-Laird)
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