Index for surnames beginning with r (Descendancy Pages)
[Reaves, Clyde ] - [Reihman, Hedwig ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE) [Rabel, Adele Madeline ] - [Reaves, Archie Thomas ]
[Reaves, Clyde ] - [Reihman, Hedwig ]
[Reimann, Julia T. ] - [Richards, Dwight ]
[Richards, Robert Nichols ] - [Richers, Caleb Meyer ]
[Richers, Casseday Paul ] - [Richers, Jessica Dorraine ]
[Richers, Johann Heinrich Adolph ] - [Richers, Regina Frances ]
[Richers, Rhonda Gayle ] - [Risien, Alfred William ]
[Risien, Cassidy ] - [Robbins, Wiley ]
[Roddy, Frances Ava ] - [Roofe, Gayle Lionel ]
[Roofe, Pamela Lynn ] - [Rudder, Joe ]
[Ruden, Marie Dorothee Elisabeth ] - [Rutherford, Travis Allen ]
Reaves, Clyde {I2407} (b. 1911 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Reaves-Warren)
Reaves, Dorothy N. {I2411} (b. Private) , (Reaves-Warren)
Reaves, Harvey C. {I2409} (b. 1901 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Reaves-Warren)
Reaves, Harvey Clark {I2405} (b. 12 OCT 1873 - d. 25 OCT 1957) , (Reaves)
Reaves, Oscar Branch {I2410} (b. Private) , (Reaves-Warren)
Reaves, Sarah Ann {I1705} (b. Private) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Bowman-Carmichael) , (Reaves-Warren) , (McKinnon-Clayton) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Reaves, Vernon {I2408} (b. Private) , (Reaves-Warren)
Redding, Devorah Adeline {I0896} (b. Private) , (Orr-Redding)
Reed, Susan Louise {I2900} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Keller-Reed)
Reichert, Emma {I4150} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Koenig-Reichert)
Reichle, Alfred Alex {I3743} (d. 17 MAR 1978) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, Alma {I3753} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, Annie {I3751} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, Iva Marie {I3747} (b. Private) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, Jacob {I3745} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Reichle)
Reichle, Lawrence Alfred {I3749} (b. Private) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, Mildred Lucille {I3256} (b. Private) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reichle, William {I3750} (b. Private) , (Reichle-Laux)
Reigel, Mr. {I3458} (b. Private) , (Otto-Reigel)
Reihman, Hedwig {I2193} (b. 12 NOV 1855 - d. 15 JAN 1944) , (Wieting-Reihman)
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