Index for surnames beginning with a (Descendancy Pages)
[Amberg, Herman ] - [Arlitt, Kristine ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE) [Abbott, Lisa Emily ] - [Adams, James F ]
[Adams, John Quincy ] - [Albrecht, Alma ]
[Albrecht, Annie ] - [Allen, Candis ]
[Allen, Carey Rhea ] - [Allen, Narcissus ]
[Allen, Rebecca A ] - [Amberg, Fannie ]
[Amberg, Herman ] - [Arlitt, Kristine ]
[Arlitt, Sezanne ] - [Atkinson, Sarah Leia ]
[Atkinson, Susan Clare ] - [Aycock, Wendell Marshall ]
Amberg, Herman {I2555} (b. 1862 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Amberg-Amberg)
Amberg, Irma Augusta {I0173} (b. 16 JAN 1893 - d. 26 JUL 1985) , (Amberg-Amberg) , (Prause)
Amberg, Otto Leopold {I0601} (b. 1 NOV 1866 - d. 10 JAN 1940) , (Amberg-Amberg)
Amberg, Sister {I2558} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Amberg-Amberg)
Amberg, Stella {I0605} (b. FEB 1899 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Amberg-Amberg) , (Prause)
Amy, Clayton Daniel {I3372} (b. Private) , (Amy)
Amy, Michael Lloyd {I0781} (b. Private) , (Amy-McCullar)
Anderson, Virginia Marie {I4245} (b. Private) , (Yarbrough-Anderson)
Antosh, Vivian Joan {I4430} (b. Private) , (Lueders-Zarnow) , (Merrem-Hinckle) , (Laux-Pauli)
Appel, Marie {I0969} (b. 18 FEB 1840 - d. 20 JAN 1919) , (Appel)
Appelt, Beatrice {I4098} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Kahanek-Appelt)
Arceneaux, D. H. {I2469} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Arceneaux)
Arceneaux, Genieve {I2470} (b. Private) , (Arceneaux-Arceneaux)
Arceneaux, Jeanne {I3138} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Arceneaux-Arceneaux)
Arceneaux, Leeward {I3139} (b. Private) , (Arceneaux-Arceneaux)
Arceneaux, Myrtle Agnes {I2024} (b. 26 JAN 1919 - d. 28 DEC 1989) , (Arceneaux-Arceneaux)
Arledge, Mary Ann {I0397} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Gary-Arledge)
Arlitt, Bill {I4262} (b. Private) , (Arlitt)
Arlitt, Janet {I4261} (b. Private) , (Arlitt)
Arlitt, Kristine {I3614} (b. Private) , (Arlitt)
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