Index for surnames beginning with a (Descendancy Pages)
[Atkinson, Susan Clare ] - [Azodi, Mitra ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE) [Abbott, Lisa Emily ] - [Adams, James F ]
[Adams, John Quincy ] - [Albrecht, Alma ]
[Albrecht, Annie ] - [Allen, Candis ]
[Allen, Carey Rhea ] - [Allen, Narcissus ]
[Allen, Rebecca A ] - [Amberg, Fannie ]
[Amberg, Herman ] - [Arlitt, Kristine ]
[Arlitt, Sezanne ] - [Atkinson, Sarah Leia ]
[Atkinson, Susan Clare ] - [Aycock, Wendell Marshall ]
Atkinson, Susan Clare {I0015} (b. Private) , (Kuckuck) , (Kloss) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Atkinson) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Aven, Thomas Wesley {I4045} (b. Private) , (Aven)
Aven, Trudy Diane {I4042} (b. Private) , (Aven-Thompson)
Avent, Frances Ava Roddy {I1456} (b. Private) , (Avent-Roddy)
Avent, Richard Gray {I3283} (b. Private) , (Avent)
Avery, Barris Ervin {I3374} (b. 6 OCT 1913 - d. 29 MAR 2007) , (Avery-Lankford)
Avery, Charlene Gail {I4454} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford) , (Turner-Avery)
Avery, David H. {I4448} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Avery)
Avery, Janis Gayle {I4452} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford)
Avery, Lucille {I4450} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford)
Avery, Robert David {I0752} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford) , (Turner-Avery)
Avery, Robin Lynn {I4455} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford) , (Turner-Avery)
Avery, Ruby {I4451} (b. Private) , (Avery-Lankford)
Aycock, Betty Sue {I3904} (b. Private) , (Aycock-Wheeler)
Aycock, Daniel Marshall {I1486} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Taylor-Newsome) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Aycock-Wheeler) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Aycock, John Andrew {I1487} (b. Private) , (Huebner-Willrich) , (Taylor-Newsome) , (Bostelmann-Bopel) , (Jarck-Schartz) , (Aycock-Wheeler) , (Willrich) , (Hartung-Hartung)
Aycock, Marvin Cecil {I3296} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Aycock)
Aycock, Wendell Marshall {I1485} (b. Private) , (Aycock-Wheeler)
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